Shapes Galore: Discovering the Wonderful World of Geometry in Grade 1

In grade 1, children are introduced to the magical world of geometry. From circles to squares, triangles to rectangles, they will discover shapes galore! With bright colors and playful activities, learning about geometry is sure to be a cheerful experience for young learners.

Time Travelers: Learning to Tell Time in Grade 1

In grade 1, time travelers embark on a journey to learn how to tell time. With colorful clocks and fun activities, students are enthusiastic about mastering this skill. As they explore the concept of time, they become more aware of the world around them and embrace the joy of learning.

Math Magic for Grade 1: Ignite a Love for Numbers and Counting

Join us on a magical journey through the world of numbers and counting! With our Math Magic program, your first-grader will develop a love for math that will last a lifetime. Say goodbye to number struggles and hello to a strong foundation for math success. Let’s get counting!