What Sports Drinks Do to your Body?

What Sports Drinks Does to your Body?

All sports drinks are designed primarily to combat dehydration. Dehydration can occur during exercise if the water lost through sweating is not quickly replaced

How to Talk To Your Children About Sex

Like many parents of youngsters from tots to teens, this mother was caught off guard by her child’s questions about sex. Yet such inquiries should be expected. “Unless they don’t watch TV, don’t go to movies, and don’t talk with friends, children will be curious about sex

How to Be Resilient Even When Your Life Gets Tough

Resilience is the ability to recover quickly. It’s not about being perfect. Challenges ebb and flow throughout life, so it’s worth a couple of minutes to review the year–to celebrate our resilience, reinforce it, and refine those areas where we didn’t respond well.

Child Welfare – Children Rights and Legislation

Child protection is the idea that children have a right to basic support to help them grow up mentally and physically healthy, including safe living conditions, enough to eat, health care, education, and protection from violence, abuse, and exploitation