Statelessness Impacts and Issues
Without a recognized nationality, stateless people typically have difficulty attaining the fundamental rights, opportunities, and aid afforded to those who are citizens of one or multiple countries.
Without a recognized nationality, stateless people typically have difficulty attaining the fundamental rights, opportunities, and aid afforded to those who are citizens of one or multiple countries.
In May 2011, a United Nations [UN] special rapporteur declared that people had a human right to Internet access. It seems absurd to argue that such a right exists but …
Hackers are people who explore the details of computer systems to identify their problems and weaknesses with the goal of changing or increasing their capabilities. Because the most well-known instances …
Sexting refers to the act of sending or receiving personal images, videos, and written text or audio files of a sexually suggestive or explicit nature through digital means. The term …
The Scope of the Problem China is the world’s top perpetrator of commercial cyberespionage. Cyberspying usually focuses on trade secrets—financial, business, scientific, technical, economic, or engineering information that is more …
Cybercrime refers to illegal activity carried out with a computer or electronic device, including attacks on private and government computer networks as well as using a computer to target people or …
[dropcap]E[/dropcap]lection meddling may not have been the foremost matter on the president’s mind during his hours-long one-on-one with [Russian president] Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, where Putin publicly denied the findings …
Introduction Immigration presents several cultural, legal, political, and economic issues within the field of education. Immigrants may have unique educational needs related to linguistic barriers and cultural and social alienation; …
Childhood obesity is a condition in which a child is significantly overweight for his or her height and age. Excess weight leads to health problems previously common to adults, such …
Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disease that destroys memory and thinking skills.