White Supremacy And Western Hegemony in United States

White supremacy refers to the belief that white people are innately better than people of other races or ethnicities and therefore uniquely suited to rule society and establish its norms. This belief system can manifest itself as both personal sentiment and structural policy.

The Right of the American People to Join in Peaceful Protest

The right of the American people to join in peaceful protest and petition is protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution. Citizens are guaranteed the freedom to gather, whether for political purposes or not, to discuss or show support for an idea or movement, even if unpopular, and to express their ideas freely and peacefully.

Work and Family Balance and CoronaVirus

Work and family are highly interconnected: people’s work responsibilities greatly impact their family lives, and their family responsibilities greatly impact their work lives.

Workplace Diversity – Its Benefits and Challenges

A diverse workplace is an employment environment made up of employees with a broad range of personal characteristics, experiences, skills, and perspectives. Some of the traits that contribute to diversity in the American workforce include differences in gender, race, ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion, education, socioeconomic background, and political beliefs.

Government Stimulus Packages

In times of economic crisis, the United States government may use a variety of stimulus techniques to improve the economy and support struggling businesses and citizens. Stimuli can come in different forms, including tax credits, lower interest rates, or direct monetary payments.

Dodgers takes the Crown at Last

Dodgers takes the Crown at Last

The Los Angeles Dodgers, one of the best teams in baseball over the past four years, finally have a championship to show for it.

Coronavirus – What You Should Know

Everything You Need to Know About CoronaVirus | Updated

There are currently no approved coronavirus-specific antiviral treatments. The treatment for most coronaviruses is similar to how you would treat the common cold: rest, fluids, and over-the-counter medications for fever, sore throat, and congestion.

What is Sexual Harassment and its Kinds


Sexual Harrasment is unwelcome and inappropriate verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature. It can include unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other conduct of a sexual nature.

Sexual Harassment -The Power of Sexually Harassing

Sexual Harassment |The Power of Sexually Harassing

The EEOC, which investigates all types of employment discrimination, defines sexual harassment as “unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature

What is Racism and How Racial attitudes affect everyday Life

Racism—the belief that one racial group is superior over another based on perceived genetic differences, and the systemic oppression of a racial group to the advantage of another—has played a significant role in human interactions for thousands of years